This site was initially developed in 2003 to help members of the lay public understand the science related to their diagnosis and the specific strategies being employed by their health care provider to treat their illness... to help shine some light through the fog for them at a time of need when there was a paucity of medical education information available. Albeit not personalized, there is now widespread availability of this type of information with Wikipedia, WebMD,, drug company sites promoting their medications, etc.

I have since returned to teaching and research. After teaching at Creighton University for several years, I was Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacology as a founding faculty member at University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville from 2013-2017. I then moved to the new Kansas City University-Joplin campus, where I am currently an Associate Professor of Pharmacology, teaching medical students and working to establish a research lab.

This site is now used exclusively by me for hosting my animations, dynamic worksheets, etc., that I make to facilitate health care student learning of the basic sciences content that I teach. My students are provided with direct links to those resources.

Dennis Wolff
June 3, 2019